25 fun and interesting facts about harare zimbabwe

25 Fun and Interesting Facts about Harare, Zimbabwe

Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe, is a vibrant​ and bustling metropolis that is full ⁢of history,⁢ culture, and natural beauty. From its towering skyscrapers to its lush green spaces, Harare has​ a lot to offer⁤ both residents and visitors alike. In⁣ this article, we‍ will explore 25 fun and interesting facts about Harare‍ that will give you a ⁢deeper understanding and appreciation for​ this remarkable‌ city.

1. Rich History

Harare has a rich history that dates back to the 19th century when it was founded as a British colonial outpost⁣ named Salisbury.

2. Name Change

The city’s name was changed from Salisbury to Harare in ​1982, after the ⁤country gained independence from ‍Britain. The⁣ name Harare‌ is derived from the Shona chieftain Neharawa, whose village was located ‍near the present-day city.

3. City of Gardens

Harare is known as the “City of Gardens” due to its many lush green⁣ spaces and beautifully landscaped parks. The most famous park⁢ in the city is the Harare Gardens, which features⁢ stunning flower displays‍ and is a popular spot for picnics and leisurely strolls.

4. Jacaranda Trees

One of the most striking features of Harare is its abundance of jacaranda trees. ​When these trees bloom in the spring, the city is transformed into⁣ a sea of purple flowers, creating a picturesque ⁣and colorful⁤ landscape.

5. Educated City

Harare ‌has a highly educated population, with a literacy rate of over 90%. The city is home to prestigious educational institutions,‍ including the University of Zimbabwe, ⁢which⁤ is one of the top universities in Africa.

6.⁣ National Heroes Acre

Located ⁣on a hilltop just outside Harare, the National Heroes Acre is a monument that ⁣commemorates Zimbabwe’s‍ national heroes and liberation fighters. It is a ‌place⁣ of⁢ great historical and cultural significance.

7. Diverse⁢ Wildlife

Despite being a bustling urban⁣ center, Harare is ​surrounded by beautiful ⁣natural landscapes that are teeming with‌ wildlife. The city’s close proximity⁤ to national parks and game reserves makes it a⁢ popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts.

8. Mbare Musika

Mbare Musika is Harare’s largest ​and busiest market, where ​locals go to buy fresh produce, textiles, and ⁣traditional crafts. It is a vibrant and ‍bustling place that offers a glimpse into everyday life in the​ city.

9. Dynamic Arts Scene

Harare has a vibrant arts scene, ‍with numerous galleries, theaters, and cultural⁤ centers showcasing ⁤the work of⁢ local artists⁤ and performers. The National Gallery of Zimbabwe and ​the Harare International‌ Festival of the‌ Arts are just a few examples ‍of the city’s commitment to‌ promoting and celebrating the ​arts.

10. Tambaoga Wildlife ⁤Sanctuary

One of Harare’s hidden gems ‌is the Tambaoga Wildlife Sanctuary, ⁣a small reserve located on the outskirts of the city. The sanctuary is home to a variety of animals, including lions, elephants, and giraffes, and offers visitors the opportunity to ‍get up close and personal with these magnificent creatures.

11. Epworth Balancing Rocks

Epworth Balancing Rocks ​is a natural phenomenon located just a short drive from Harare. ‍These impressive granite formations have been‌ shaped‍ by erosion ⁣over millions of years and​ are a popular tourist attraction.

12. ⁣African Unity⁣ Square

African Unity Square is the main square in Harare and is surrounded by important government ‌buildings, including the Parliament of Zimbabwe. It is a‌ symbol of the country’s struggle for independence and a gathering place for political ⁣rallies and demonstrations.

13. Elephant Nursery

One of the most heartwarming attractions in Harare is the Elephant Nursery at Wild ⁢Is Life Trust. This sanctuary provides a safe and nurturing environment for orphaned baby elephants and offers visitors the‍ chance to learn about these incredible animals and their conservation.

14. Kopje Hill

Kopje Hill is a natural⁣ landmark that offers‍ panoramic views of Harare and its ⁤surrounding countryside. The hill is ​home to a variety of flora ​and fauna, ‍making it a ⁣popular destination for nature lovers and hikers.

15. Innovative Architecture

Harare boasts a unique ‌blend of ‍modern and traditional architecture. The city’s skyline is ⁣dominated⁣ by sleek skyscrapers, while its suburbs are characterized by charming colonial-era houses and beautifully designed contemporary buildings.

16. Chisipite Shopping Centre

Chisipite⁢ Shopping Centre is a popular retail ‍destination in ‍Harare, known⁣ for its wide range of shops, boutiques, and restaurants. It is ⁤a‌ favorite spot for locals ⁣to socialize and indulge in some retail therapy.

17. The Kopje-Adorned Zimbabwe Flag

The national flag of⁢ Zimbabwe features ​a depiction ​of Kopje ⁣Hill, representing the country’s rich natural⁣ heritage⁣ and ⁤the importance of its land and resources.

18. Multiethnic and‍ Multicultural

Harare is a ⁢melting pot of different ethnicities and cultures, with people from various backgrounds living harmoniously in​ the city. This diversity is reflected in the city’s ⁣cuisine, music, and festivities.

19. Avondale Flea Market

The Avondale Flea Market is a‍ treasure trove of unique and handmade crafts, antiques, and souvenirs. It ⁢is ⁢a fantastic place to discover⁢ locally made products and support local artisans.

20. Historic Places ⁢of Worship

Harare is home to numerous historic churches and mosques that are not only places of worship but​ also architectural masterpieces. The Anglican Cathedral, Roman Catholic​ Cathedral, and the⁤ Jame Mosque are just a few examples of the city’s diverse religious landmarks.

21. Kopje Nature Reserve

The Kopje Nature Reserve is a small sanctuary⁤ located within Harare that offers residents and visitors a peaceful retreat from the bustle of the city. It ⁣is a popular spot ‍for birdwatching and nature ‌walks.

22. Eastgate Center

The Eastgate Center in Harare is an‌ architectural marvel ​that is renowned for its sustainable‌ design. Inspired by the intricate ventilation system found ‌in⁣ termite mounds, the building uses natural⁣ airflow to regulate its temperature,⁣ making ‌it energy-efficient and⁣ environmentally friendly.

23. Lake Chivero

Lake Chivero, also known as Lake Manyame, is a popular recreational area located just outside Harare. The lake offers ⁢a wide range of activities, ​including fishing, ⁢boating, and picnicking, and is a ⁢great place to relax⁤ and enjoy the serenity of nature.

24. Haka Game Park

Haka Game Park is a private reserve located on the outskirts of Harare that ⁣is home to a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and rhinos. The park offers guided safaris and is a fantastic place to experience the thrill of‍ seeing these magnificent⁣ animals up close.

25. Mukuvisi ‌Woodlands

Mukuvisi Woodlands is a⁢ conservation area in Harare that offers visitors‍ the opportunity to experience Zimbabwe’s natural⁤ beauty. ‍With its walking trails, picnic areas, and an abundance⁢ of wildlife, including giraffes, zebras, and antelopes, it is a popular destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.


Harare is a city that is full of surprises and delights. ‌From its rich ⁤history and vibrant arts scene ‍to its stunning​ natural landscapes and diverse wildlife, there is ​always ​something new and ⁤exciting to discover in this remarkable city. Whether you‍ are a ‌resident or a visitor, Harare offers a wealth of experiences that will leave you with unforgettable⁣ memories. So, grab your camera, put on your exploring shoes, and get ready to uncover​ the many wonders⁤ of Harare, Zimbabwe.

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